Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I buy Pinnacle Bank stock?
A: Pinnacle Bank's stock is traded over the counter under the symbol PBNK. You can use their Market Maker listed on this page to place the buy or contact a brokerage firm of your choice.
Q: How can I find out what my stock is worth?
A: A quote may be obtained from any quotation service. You will need to enter their stock symbol as PBNK.
Q: My stock is held in "book entry" or "direct registration form." What does this mean?
A: Pinnacle Bank's stock is part of the Direct Registration system. You may now hold your shares in direct registration form, which is a smart alternative to physical certificates.
Q: What is direct registration ownership?
A: The direct registration form of ownership allows shares to be issued, transferred and sold without the issuance of a physical stock certificate. Direct registration is approved and supported by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the major stock exchanges (NYSE, NASDAQ and Amex.)
Q: What are the advantages of direct registration?
A: Direct registration ownership eliminates the need for stockholders to safeguard and store certificates. Shares in direct registration form can be electronically transferred without the need to deliver a physical certificate. Direct registration shares cannot be lost thus avoiding the significant cost and effort involved in replacing lost certificates.
Q: How will I know how many shares I own?
A: You will receive an account statement on an annual basis and anytime there is activity in your account. This statement is your evidence of ownership of the shares instead of a physical certificate.
Q: How do I move my shares between my broker account and direct registration?
A: Instruct your broker to initiate the share movement. Provide your broker with the required information including your exact account registration (full name and address as it appears on the statement), your tax identification number, the common stock CUSIP number and the number of shares you want to move. Your most recent account statement will contain most of this information and may be required by your broker. You will receive a statement from Computershare Trust Company N.A. when the transaction is completed.
Q: Are there any costs to participate in direct registration?
A: No, stockholders are not charged any fees to own their shares in direct registration.
Q: What should I do if I want my certificate converted to direct registration form?
A: Mail your unendorsed certificates with the transaction request form from your statement or a note to:
Computershare Trust Company N.A.
PO Box 43070
Providence, RI 02940-3070
Send certificates via courier or registered mail and insured for 2% of the market value. You will receive a statement when the transaction is completed.
Q: If I own shares in direct registration form, can I request a certificate?
A: You can request that a physical certificate be issued at any time. Call Computershare Trust Company N.A's shareholder relations at (800) 962-4284 to determine issue eligibility and to request a physical certificate.
Q: How can I sell my stock?
A: There is a market for Pinnacle Bank and any brokerage or Market Maker should be able to assist with a sell transaction.
Q: I would like to transfer my Pinnacle Bank shares to my children. How can I change the registration on the certificate?
A: The Bank’s registrar and transfer agent, Computershare Trust Company N.A., can provide guidance on the process for a change in registration and the required endorsement on the back of the certificate before it is tendered to them for reissue with the new registration. Computershare Trust Company N.A. can be contacted at (800) 962-4284.
Q: I lost my certificate, how can I obtain a replacement?
A: Please contact Computershare Trust Company N.A. at (800) 962-4284 to obtain a replacement certificate.
Q: Can I deposit my Pinnacle Bank stock certificate into my brokerage account?
A: Yes, your broker can add the certificate to your account, and we generally recommend stock certificates be deposited with a brokerage to avoid the risk of loss of the certificate.
Q: How can I change my address on my stock certificate?
A: Contact Computershare Trust Company N.A. at (800) 962-4284 with your new address and phone number. Or, if your shares are held in a brokerage account, please notify your broker of your change in address.
Download: Investor Brochure (PDF)
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